I am a big fan of fantasy. I love to read or watch anything that doesn't have to do with real life (vampires, fairies, aliens, wizards, etc etc you get the picture). Recently, i was wondering to myself why that was. I told myself: I'm a pretty down to earth person. I'm a pretty rational person. I know whats real and what's not. So why am I fascinated with all things fantasy? The answer to my question came easily enough. I love fantasy because it simply is better than real life. In fantasy, one can be whoever one wants to be. In fantasy, one doesn't experience disappointment, if thats not what you want to experience. So, I wondered, is this a bad thing? Maybe it is... or maybe not. This does not mean I don't know what's going on around me. I love fantasy but i know that i live in a real world where the princes is not always so naive and the prince perfect. I love fantasy but i know that just because im bored with my job doesn't mean that a huge person is going to come and Tell me that I'm a witch, and I've been chosen to go to witchcraft university (oh such daydreams lol). So, i say to all those people who have nothing better to do but try and tell me that all these things aren't real. I have news for you: I KNOW. So, let me love the things i love, and if i believe them or not, like them or not, that is my problem. I will have to wake up to reality some time or another, but for now, I'm happy daydreaming about my boyfriend Edward Cullen.